Is homeschooling just another big task in life’s journey, or a profound calling?
If it’s a profound calling and conviction, for most of us, then we feel the weight of that decision daily.
Since our move to Florida and enrolling our son in a private academy to pursue his passions, we've navigated a new landscape in homeschooling our daughter solo.
This shift means creating fresh routines and seeking a community that resonates with our values—a place where our daughter can thrive and make new friends.
Yet, the transition has been anything but simple.
Despite Florida's allure with its sun-drenched beaches and lifestyle freedoms, finding a community of homeschoolers hasn't been straightforward.
Our experiences in Oregon, Idaho, and now Florida reveal a consistent truth: it requires persistent, dedicated parents to find—or create—their tribe.
But I'm not in a hurry.
I'm savoring every precious moment with my daughter, knowing these mother-daughter days are fleeting. Before long, she'll be absorbed in new friendships, and these quiet moments together will become memories.
In fact, we moved to the same state as several wonderful friends! However, we didn't anticipate the long drives and the challenge of synchronizing our schedules to meet up regularly!
Regardless, today was a testament to the joy of our journey.
We hiked over five miles through a STUNNING nature preserve, just the two of us after some new friends canceled last minute. It was a day filled with laughter, bird songs, and the endless sky above. All timely gifts from God. 🦅
Homeschooling is my responsibility, and I don't take it lightly.
Yet, the pressure to pick the perfect curriculum or the right social group sometimes clouds the simple, profound joy of just being PRESENT with my children.
I am committed to doing homeschooling justice—it serves a crucial role in our lives and the lives of our children.
However, truly excelling at homeschooling means also excelling at LIVING.
Adapting to a new area is challenging, but I envision a future rich with friends and activities.
One day, I'll reflect on these current days, just as I now fondly recall hiking weekly with both my children through Oregon's misty, evergreen forests.
So, if you find yourself burdened by the weight of homeschooling responsibilities, and are starting to focus on your intentions for next year, I encourage you to pause and ponder:
What memories do you want to forge over the next 5, 10, or 15 years?
I have a hunch it’s not simply sitting at a table doing math lessons each day or driving to and from a million homeschool activities… but spending INTENTIONAL time together.
How do you want to remember living and loving with your children?
Embrace that vision – because I’ve found, it’s a conviction worth embracing. 🦅
I hope this was helpful! Want to read more on this topic? Check out Setting Peaceful Priorities Post Here.