Term 3 Homeschool Books & Curriculum Updates: Grade 5

Hello friends!

I plan to make a video on what we’re using for our Form 3/2A (Grade 5) daughter this term but I often wait until we’ve been successfully using our new books and curriculum for a few weeks. So thanks for bearing with me…

*Our oldest child, turning 15 soon, is currently enjoying a local sports school academy but we may eventually bring him back into the homeschooling fold in his upper high school years… we’ll see what God has planned!

While moving to Florida has opened us up to many new incredible outdoor opportunities, and we’re enjoying most of what we’re diving into this last term of the year, not everything is as peachy as it looks. Math continues to be a struggle, so we switched things up (see below) and we employ a sweet lady tutor from Grade Potential who comes once/week to help so my daughter and I can enjoy our relationship more in the areas I’m more comfortable teaching (reading, writing, science — basically anything BUT math).

Our daughter is also attending multiple, in-person marine biology & micro-science lab classes in our local area that appeals to her interests around science and animals, including special homeschool gatherings at our local aquariums and nature preserves.

Finally, she is enjoying a little homeschool community here where she’s learning Italian and life skills. (Hence the Italian copywork book we decided to get last-minute which she adores using)!

Here’s our weekly loop subjects and books:

We’re reading through a simple and sweet girls devotional each week.
Our daily read-aloud is The Dragon and the Stone in The Dreamkeepers Saga - not sure what we’ll choose next!
Artist study: Homer by Simply Charlotte Mason - this is our second time studying this artist who spent time in our area and has several paintings in Florida we can see in person.
Folk Songs: Ambleside Online YouTube Folk Song lists
Poetry: The Book of Animal Poetry and The Earth Under Sky Bear’s Feet
Geography: Simple map drills using blank maps
Math: We paused Saxon - it was a lot of daily strife for us both so we’re praying about our other options. A tutor from Grade Potential comes to our home 1x/week. Business Math by SCM - this is one thing we’ve changed up this month. A friend of hers is also completing this guide so they get to discuss it in person, which we used for our oldest as well.
America: Continuing reading through America: Our Stories
Ancient: The Story of Civilization, D’Aulaires’ Book of Greek Myths - a few gods each week
World: The Age of Chivalry (audio version), King Arthur and His Knights (can be listened to in a day - read by Jim Weiss)
Narration after each read aloud - draw a picture and write a few sentences (or tell back orally)
Italian Handwriting (because she’s passionate about it!)
Writing and Rhetoric Book 3 (and looping in Easy Grammar)
Keyboarding daily - we no longer use lessons but she types frequently and we work on hand placement and posture, along with increasing type speed.
Plutarch: We put this aside for spring and will pick it back up in fall.
Current Events: WORLDWatch (use code CRYSTAL3 to get your first 3 months free).
Shakespeare: Archangel Audiobooks
Handcrafts: Life skills in person at co-op
Foreign Language: Italian in-person immersion classes at co-op
Science: We put down the science books for Term 3 after finishing Beetle Busters lessons from Alveary in lieu of her attending in-person marine biology/oceanography and nature preserve gatherings.
Literature: Independent reading and audiobooks. She enjoyed A Wolf Called Wander so she’s now onto A Wolf Called Fire, along with several other independent chapter books of her choosing from the book store.
Audiobooks: Recently: The Giver, The Mysterious Benedicts Society Book 4, A House with a Clock in its Walls, The Chocolate Touch, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Themand more depending on what she’s currently interested in.

I hope this is helpful for those of you with students her age. Let me know if you have any questions!